Concentration Exercises

“Meditation” in various forms is commonly practised in many schools, but there is little understanding of the training exercises that are required to make true meditation possible and effective. The basic program includes a graduated series of exercises for developing finer perceptions and states of consciousness that have been tested and proven over the years. They are mainly drawn from the Gurdjieff method. These exercises are in some ways the most original and significant feature of the whole program.

Weekly Theme

Such topics as our relationship with material objects, the nature of attention, communication and commitment are presented each week for individual self-observation. The following week, the members share personal experiences and observations.


There is regular practice of the “Gurdjieff Movements”. G.I. Gurdjieff brought to the West a remarkable series of rhythmic exercises and ancient sacred dances and rituals, some invented specifically by him and others that he collected from monasteries and temples throughout Asia and Africa. Embodied here is a symbolic language not of our thinking mind but of deeper perceptions. Reading this language requires an aim toward perfection; a very exact, selfless interpretation and co-ordination of all gestures, rhythms and states. These movements develop bodily skill, co-ordination of mind, body, emotional stability and group sensitivity, powers of sustained attention and presence, and provide a unique means of self-observation.

Practical Psychology

The method of self-study given by Mr. Gurdjieff is unique in its directness and applicability to the problems of self-development. Mr. Gurdjieff’s ideas and systematic teaching on the nature and inner structure of man are presented weekly. Students are given particular tasks and items to study in the context of their external daily work and duties so that a real practical understanding of themselves may arise.


Man cannot be studied apart from the context of his place in the universe. The structure, function and interdependence of all levels of being are explored and man’s time, place and role in the cosmic drama investigated.


Decision is necessary to all realisation. Reaction to external influences which create the illusion of “doing” is observed and defined by inner exercises and "struggle" so that the illusion of doing is destroyed and the beginning of a real capacity to work, “to do”, is achieved. “To do”, means to act consciously from one’s own intention.

Will Tasks

The will in man is his own true self. It is unconditioned and unlimited in its potential; but it is, in contemporary culture, largely neglected and allowed to remain dormant. This neglect is the cause of the drab mechanical emptiness of modern life. The change in people who successfully carry through with the series of “decision exercises” is the best evidence of the need for work in this field.


A study of energies is a crucial part of the study program. Sense energy, emotional energy and mental energy are identified, experienced and explored in an effort to be able to control one’s own energies at all levels.

(N.B. much of the above info are quotes from Mr. Bennett's writings.)

Edward Fanaberia

After university at Concordia and McGill and eight years of practical experience, Mr. Fanaberia did studies in India with such teachers as Muktanada, the Mother (in Pondicherry), and Neem Karoli Baba (teacher of Ramdas) He was also in direct contact and inspired by Karmapa, Sai Baba, as well as others.

It was there he eventually met a student of the Gurdjieff Work and was put in contact with J. G.Bennett a direct pupil of Gurdjieff himself. Mr.B, via his quality of being, his many books and teachings, was regarded as one of the major proponents of the Gurdjieff Work in Europe and a teacher in his own right. Mr.Fanaberia, did intensive Gurdjieff studies in England with Mr. Bennett in 1973-74. After five years of group teaching himself, he was selected as a member of the board of directors of The Claymont Society for Continuous Education, the North American 4th way (Gurdjieff Work) school established by Mr. Bennett in West Virginia.

Mr.Fanaberia, Group Gurdjieff Montreal director, has been leading and directing groups for over 40 years. He was also the founding director of The Centre for the Healing Arts (1976) and was instrumental in bringing Shiatsu teachings to 1000’s of practitioners.


Accepting students
Info: 514-369-4621