
This information is addressed to all those who care deeply about the future, their own and that of humanity - especially those who have already searched and experimented with politics or social services, those who have tried religion or plunged themselves into the many “isms” and movements that promise a new world - and have found them all lacking an essential ingredient: "practicality". On every hand there are people to tell us what we ought to do, but very few indeed have any idea of how to do it. The Basic 4th Way Program is primarily for the purpose of helping men and women of all ages to live their lives in the way they themselves wish. It is, above all, for those who have realised that “the first step in helping the world is to help oneself”.

The Basic 4th Way Program

The program is an ongoing process based on the premise that every human being is born with the potential for self-realisation. After the automatic growing period is substantially completed in the first twenty years of life, one can choose to continue to develop by one’s own efforts. The aim of the program is to equip participants with techniques that they will be able to apply throughout their lives for the most effective use of all their potential: body, mind and spirit. The capacity to learn, to adapt and to make independent judgements throughout life, is precious. It will become even more valuable in the future as world-wide change increasingly disrupts our old patterns of living. If humankind is to enter a phase of conscious evolution, if our past is not to be our future, then specific techniques of self-realisation must be tapped. The program is for people of all ages, intellectuals and non-intellectuals. There are two conditions for admission: a genuine wish to live more effectively on all levels, and a readiness to work intensely to find out how.


This program is an outgrowth of research into the techniques of human development begun by the Institute for the Comparative Study of History, Philosophy and the Sciences, Ltd. The foundation of the Institute’s research is George I. Gurdjieff’s “System for the Harmonious Development of Man”.

Brief History

This system is based upon a total concept of man and his destiny, it is remarkable for the balance between sensory-motor, emotional, intellectual and intra-personal techniques introduced by Mr. Gurdjieff and adapted by him to meet the needs of contemporary man.
With some twenty-five years of experience with Mr. Gurdjieff’s system of work, John Godolphin Bennett in 1946 established the Institute as an instrument to further deepen and strengthen his own understanding of the methods and techniques of inner transformation communicated by Mr. Gurdjieff.

Under the direction of Mr. Bennett, members of the Institute have investigated and very thoroughly tested a wide range of techniques derived from modern psychology, behavioural science, Eastern Christianity, Hinduism, Yoga, Buddhism, Sufism; they have especially studied the methods of the Sufi masters of Central Asia known as the Khajagan, who flourished between the tenth and the fifteenth Centuries.

Edward Fanaberia

After university at Concordia and McGill and eight years of practical experience, Mr. Fanaberia did studies in India with such teachers as Muktanada, the Mother (in Pondicherry), and Neem Karoli Baba (teacher of Ramdas) He was also in direct contact and inspired by Karmapa, Sai Baba, as well as others.

It was there he eventually met a student of the Gurdjieff Work and was put in contact with J. G.Bennett a direct pupil of Gurdjieff himself. Mr.B, via his quality of being, his many books and teachings, was regarded as one of the major proponents of the Gurdjieff Work in Europe and a teacher in his own right. Mr.Fanaberia, did intensive Gurdjieff studies in England with Mr. Bennett in 1973-74. After five years of group teaching himself, he was selected as a member of the board of directors of The Claymont Society for Continuous Education, the North American 4th way (Gurdjieff Work) school established by Mr. Bennett in West Virginia.

Mr.Fanaberia, Group Gurdjieff Montreal director, has been leading and directing groups for over 40 years. He was also the founding director of The Centre for the Healing Arts (1976) and was instrumental in bringing Shiatsu teachings to 1000’s of practitioners.


Accepting students
Info: 514-369-4621